By the time second baby comes around, most moms have a drastically shorter list of must-haves than they did with first baby. I don’t know about you, but I was pretttttty sure I had that list all figured out. “I’ve been through this before, I know what I’m doing, no need for advice.” As overconfident as a college sophomore, I was.
And the one thing I was sure I needed–I mean, if you’re going to spend money on me, make it THIS–was a double stroller.
Buuuuut I’m nine months into having two kids now and I’ve used my ever-coveted double stroller maybe four times? So I’ve realized there is something much much more essential and I hope every mom of two or more will find one she LOVES. It’s a…
BABY CARRIER. I use mine every day. Multiple times a day.
Now, the baby wearing movement is in full force so maybe you already wore your first baby quite a bit (good for you!) But THAT, my friends, was a choice. With second baby, baby wearing becomes a necessity.
Like, if you want to eat, you’ll probably baby wear.
Play with toddler? Baby wear.
Know with confidence that baby is SAFE from toddler? Baby wear.
Clean ANYTHING? Baby wear.
Grocery shop while keeping track of a toddler, too? Baby wear.
Maintain sanity in general? Just baby wear.
You have two kids and you need ten hands. The least you can do is free up the two hands you do have to keep going.
I’ve used a few different baby carriers in my day (these are affiliate links): Moby Wrap (love for the newborn days at home, but too much fabric to put it on in public places with dirty floors), Baby Bjorn (babies are not designed to sit in that unnatural position if you ask me!), Ergobaby (LOVE THIS) and now I was delighted that the cool people at Mamaway sent me their bestselling Ring Sling for review!
I hadn’t used a Ring Sling before, but it was easy enough to figure out (even on the first try!) I love that out of all of the baby carriers listed above, it’s the most compact and lightweight to bring around with me (fits in a diaper bag, no problem.) My baby feels snug and secure as I wear him in it. I also adored the variety of patterns that it came in. It was a hard decision, but I’m loving the Ocean Lanna that I chose. It brings out my baby’s blue eyes (SWOON!) I also appreciate the privacy it offers for breastfeeding on the go.
Of course, my crazy toddler didn’t want to be left out of the baby wearing, so I put him in the Ring Sling too! It didn’t work out quite so well…yes the ring sling can support his weight (up to 52 pounds) but he is way too wiggly and silly for us to do anything but laugh in that thing! (I didn’t even get it over his leg correctly!) So I’ll stick with baby wearing over toddler wearing, but if you have a snuggly toddler, by all means, wear away!
I would definitely recommend this brand to anyone in the market to baby wear in Ring Sling style! Get yours by clicking here!
So that’s my experience, tell me about yours! What are your second baby essentials?
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I love to read this type of material Good and attractive information I take from it.i think this good carrier for baby,good job.