Hi! My name is Kate Skero and here is my family. That big handsome guy on the right? He’s my husband. We were crazy enough to get married just ten months after we met. I was 19 and we were going on our sophomore year of college at the time. We’ve been married for ten wonderfully chaotic years now.
That medium size guy in the middle? That’s my oldest little man. He was born two weeks after I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in print media. The timing was either perfect or insane, but either way I wouldn’t change it.
That little guy with the inexplicably blonde hair? He’s my precious second baby boy. He has added new dimensions of love, challenge and exhaustion to my life that I never thought possible.
And that little smirking babe is our third and littlest man! We’ve had one more precious baby girl since this photo was taken, and maybe one of these days I’ll get around to updating the photo here.
Everything about my life feels FULL at the moment: my heart, my hands and my DAYS–which is why you might see me blogging a *little* less frequently than at least I would want to. But for me, this family I get to love and serve will always come before other pursuits–including this blog. I hope that’s true for you too. <3
So back to who we are–we’re a family that loves bike rides, big cities and beaches. Most importantly, we love Jesus. He is our help and strength for these wearying days of parenthood. My husband and I are trusting the Lord with the number of souls He chooses to entrust to our care in the future (which means, if you stick with me, you could see our family do a lot of growing through the years.) We’re striving to view children as the blessings that they are in a world that wants us to believe that they’re burdens.
We’re a couple of years into our homeschool journey and I’ve found good footing in the Charlotte Mason method. We live our days seeking to discover truth, goodness and beauty in this world that God has made.
For now, these are my four little souls. And as their mother, it’s my calling to nourish them. And I mean “nourish” in the most holistic sense of the word. I nourish their bodies with nutritious food and joyful play, their minds with thoughtful conversation and good books, their hearts with laughter and affection, and their souls? Those can only be nourished with love that reflects our Father’s love and an outflow of gospel-saturated speech and actions.
As mothers, that’s what we all do: we spend our days and sacrifice ourselves to nourish the bodies, minds, hearts and souls of our little ones. It’s an important job, I’d even call it the most important job. And that’s why I’m here, that’s why Nourishing Little Souls exists, so that we as mothers can come together to encourage one another, laugh together, share stories of joy and grief, hardship and reward. Let’s grow together and learn from one another, sister. Let’s nourish our little souls.